Dr John Ratey
MD, Associate Professor, Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School. World Renowned Expert & Author of Spark: the Revolutionary Science behind Exercise & the Brain
“I am a big supporter of Brainy Moves and their programs. The aims and processes that I observed are based on science and they will continue to evolve and help the science to evolve as well. It is a well-thought out and powerful program that incorporates activities that improve balance, flexibility, coordination, rhythm and leads to a better behaved, better organized, and better performing child.
The staff is well-trained and very committed to children of all brain types. It gives me pleasure to say that I will be an ongoing consultant to James Tang and his group!”

Maximise Early Years Brain Development
Parent-child Programme for 18 to 36 mths

Accelerate Brain Performance & Improve Academic Results
3 to 16 yrs

Effective therapy for children with Neurological Conditions (ASD, ADHD, Dyspraxia and more)

Reverse Cognitive Decline, Improve Brain & Body Health, Mobility and Quality of Life
50 yrs & above

Improve student behaviour & results / Teacher training / Optimise Employee Performance Customised programmes & workshops

Domestic Helper Training on How to Care for Special Needs Children

Mr Chua Weng Foo,
father of popular Youtube sensation and child actor
“We soon noticed that Jiajia was able to read a thicker book all by himself without daydreaming… he is better able to control himself and calm down when he gets overly excited… his instructor immediately noticed Jiajia’s sudden improvement in tackling all the difficult steps. Overall Jiajia has shown great improvement in his ability to concentrate. This helps him in his schoolwork and sports.”

Darryl David,
local celebrity and father of 5 year old boy
“My wife and I like that Brainy Moves is a combination of neurological and physical exercises that are novel and innovative. Our five year old son enjoys the programme very much. James is patient, encouraging, good in engaging and connecting with our son, and yet can be firm when he needs to motivate our child to try out more complex moves. James is also able to explain well on how each exercise boosts the brain, and we appreciate that he is accommodating and flexible when it comes to scheduling the sessions. Since our boy started on Brainy Moves, we find that he is able to focus better and his self-confidence has improved, and he is more willing to try new activities.
We would recommend Brainy Moves to our friends.”

Mr Lawrence Lim
“Brainy Moves is a composite of exercise that is novel and forces the students to be engaged at every session. Using low weights with high repetition that increases strength coupled with aerobic moves that heighten the heart rate, Brainy Moves is both challenging and burns off calories.
We engaged Brainy Moves as we wanted the students to have a new perspective and insight on how exercise can energise them, reconnect their synapses for learning, how to manage their weight, and improve their psychomotor control over their body so they can better participate in sports and be stronger and healthier.”

Ms Koh Sue Ai
“The hands on activities with parents and children have definitely helped the parents in creating an awareness of how exercise affects children’s learning in many ways. At times, parents tend to relate learning solely to class activities in academic areas. Especially as children gets older, they tend to also focus on how in helping children in academic areas. Through this workshop, I believe it has better helped parents to understand the connections between Exercise and Learning (Brain Development).
The activities that are planned for both children and parents, definitely has helped in creating opportunities for parent-child bonding. Through this way, parents are also able to better relate and even apply it easily during the time spent with their children.
The workshop that you’ve conducted has received good reviews. Being in Early Childhood education, while we are always looking into holistic approach in young children’s development, I do personally see there are areas of learning in young children that are less focused such as gross motor activities. Therefore, I would recommend parents to consider your programme. Nowadays, even very young infants and toddlers go for Gym classes, how about these pre-schoolers too.”
Improved Behaviour and Progress in School
Joash (Parent of a pair of twin)
“We were so glad that we discovered Brainy Moves. We hoped that with this programme, our girls would improve in their focus, attention, and ability to learn both academically as well as holistically. Ever since they have started with Brainy Moves, we have heard good reports of their behaviour and progress from their school teachers. Activity-wise, they easily picked up in-line skating during the school holidays, and can be self-motivated to do things like reading, creative writing and arts and craft. We are perfectly comfortable with recommending Brainy Moves and their staff to all our friends.”
The Child Thrives in Both Academically and in Other Areas
Karen (Mother of Two)
“James and the Brainy Moves Team has made exercise very fun for my child. She looks forward to the class, and there is a great improvement in her gross motor skills and other areas. As a parent, it is great to see the child enjoying what she is learning and thriving both academically and in other areas due to this! Good job, James & team!”
Preschool Teacher Impressed With The Science
Wendy Yee
Preschool Teacher
“Quality training program! Impressed by the science and research behind Brainy Moves. Had an enjoyable and enriching time learning under James and Nicole! Excited to share this with my preschool children. Highly recommended. Thank you.”
Improved Focus
Joyce Tay
“We were recommended to Brainy Moves by my boy’s Ex-principal last year. We decided to sign up for the sessions as his attention span is not there, and we wanted to help him improve. After the 3rd lesson with Brainy Moves, Jevin told us that he likes the sessions and will share about what was taught and even showed us how to do it. Brainy Moves has helped to improve his focus and attention span. A huge thanks to James and his team for helping Jevin.”
Greater Awareness, More Willing To Be Challenged, And Improved Learning
Joey Cai
Mother of One
“Before we enrolled him to Brainy Moves, he was still unable to write, and his core muscle was weak. He was very reluctant to try new things, always in his comfort zone, and will not socialise much with other children. After just two terms, he has lots of improvement, not only he is able to write, he can do simple math counting now. He started to be active in playing and can run far and jump. Now, when he goes to the playground, he can climb all the ladder without help and support.
Brainy Moves is part of Jaryl improvement. Not only has he started being active, but he also is more willing to try things that he previously refused to, and has become more aware of his surroundings.
Brainy Moves staffs are very friendly. Jaryl is always looking forward to going the sessions. I would highly recommend that you give Brainy Moves a try for your child. If you had never tried, you would never know.”