James Tang
Founder and Principal Trainer (Exercise Therapy)
With many children addicted to gadgets and decrease in opportunities to play and exercise, James has a mission to raise awareness on the importance of complex exercise in the development of the brain and keeping it sharp, and change the mindsets of parents, educators, and even medical professionals.
James founded Brainy Moves, a science-based program that uses complex exercise to boost the brain for both children and adults. It is endorsed by Dr John Ratey from Harvard Medical School. James guest lectures at NIE to MOE teachers and Principals on the scientific research on how movement impacts the brain and trains teachers how to carry out brain breaks in the classroom. James also goes to schools to conduct the Brainy Moves program to help improve students’ learning abilities.
Formally trained in Physical Education and Sports Science, and graduated with a Master of Education (Special Education) from the National Institute of Education, James is also certified by Changi General Hospital as a Clinical Fitness Professional (Exercise is Medicine Singapore). A former PE and Maths teacher, he is experienced in coaching and training students in fitness, wellness and sports, including neuro-typical students and those with learning difficulties.
The Brainy Moves program was developed based on Neurophysiology Psychology, Sports Science and powered by sound Educational Pedagogy to help neuro typical children maximise their potential, and children with special needs to improve in their conditions. Students at Brainy Moves have seen amazing transformations with improved high-order thinking, speech, improvements in academic results, focus & concentration, with the most dramatic and significant improvements seen in children with special needs conditions.
James and the Brainy Moves program has been featured in several media platforms such as The Straits Times, Business Times (Executive Lifestyle), Zao Bao Comma, My Paper, The New Paper, Good Morning Singapore 早安您好! MediaCorp Channel 8 and 938 Live.

Nicole Wong

Senior Exercise Therapist & Centre Manager
Nicole leads the team of trainers and oversees the operations of the company alongside with the Founder. Being a physically active person, Nicole represented the school in numerous cross-country competitions. Her passion for sports and in getting children to be physically active led her to multiple years of teaching Physical Education in school. After that, Nicole held key position in a couple of enrichment programmes service providers.
Having numerous years experience of working with parents of children with special needs, Nicole can empathise with parents who are in similar situations. Adding on, her keen observation skills and natural ability to identify and address a child’s needs makes her a valued member of the Brainy Moves Team. Equipped with various strategies in helping children, Nicole contributes actively to the team by sharing some insights into helping children with Special Needs.
Apart from being trained in Brainy Moves Coaching Level 1 and 2, Nicole is a Certified Clinical Fitness Professional by Exercise Is Medicine Singapore. Over and above that, Nicole reads relentlessly to be further equipped with the knowledge to help children of all brain types.